Monday, 30 March 2015

Building Tamiya's old T-62A (Part 1)

Most armour modellers will have seen and heard about this kit, after all, it has a reputation of having some dimensional problems, the shape of the turret being just one of them.  So with that in mind, can she be built into an eye-catching representation of the T-62, albeit a loose one?

Only one way to find out!

To start off let me mention it's an old kit, and secondly, it has a reasonable price tag. So far, so good, right? 

Inside the box you'll find sprues of components that have been manufactured from time-worn moulds, or at least that's the impression I got when I looked at my kit. With this in mind, get your sanding sticks and filler ready for action - you will most certainly need them.

The tracks are the rubber band variety. I've never used them before so that will be interesting. And don't expect any photo-etch because you'll only be disappointed. 

Finally, throw in a modeller with mediocre skills but fanatical determination, and we'll see what can be achieved with this vintage model kit.

Note: I never learn - always use reference photos! The small seam around the circumference of the tyres are meant to be there, so don't sand them off unless you want to represent very worn rubber. 

More soon...............

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